Phase I  -  Phase IVA
About us
Housing management

We are always taking and exspecting applications for our apartments and welcome you to fill out A application and turn it into the office at 1481 Senior Place Bridgeport Tx 76426.

Monday  -Thursday



10am - 4pm




When you return your application to the office we will  put your application in on our waiting list for a apartment. When we have a upcoming or open apartment we will go to our waiting list and start from the lastest date to current date to try and fill the unit at that time. When your name comes up you will recieve a call if we cant reach you by phone we will then mail a letter informing you that we have a unit available asking if you are able to take the unit if not we keep you on the waiting list upond your request and move to the next person on the list untill we are able to fill the unit. You are never removed from the list unless you have told use that you have found a place or no long want to be on the list. At the time you except the unit is when we will tell you and give you the information on what you have to bring with you to the office.

Apartment Rates

One Bedrooms Are $  456.00                Sec Deposit $300.00

Two Bedrooms Are $   539.00              Sec Deposit $ 400.00

Three Bedrooms Are $  657.00             Sec Deposit $ 500.00

Pet Deposit is $ 300.00                     

There is only one pet allowed and the weight limit on the pet full grown is 20lbs max.
